Once again the prayers for the exercises had been edited and re-arranged for this meeting, since the usus ad experimentum to which the Sodality has been subject thus far is still in a process of perfection for the purposes of the developing charism of the society. We think we have got there now and will be preparing a more formal booklet for the next meeting, which members can keep. This will also contain some useful devotions to the five wounds that can be practised privately as well.
There will be a long summer recess, with no meeting in August and a special event taking the place of the September meeting, when there will be a Mass for the Sodality at 7.30 pm [correction: 7.00 pm] on Tuesday, 14 September, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. After the Mass there will be a shared meal in the clubrooms. All are welcome. Further information about this event will be circulated to members in due course, as well as in this newsletter and on the Sodality blog.
Fr. Andrew’s allocution focussed on the relation we have to Our Lord in light of the sacrifice of His Most Precious Blood. Our Lord shed every drop of His Precious Blood for us, and we are called to return this most sublime act of self-giving with a complete sacrifice of ourselves to Him and a total abandonment of our will to His. This is not something only for the saints in spectacular acts of charity or faith, but rather a truth we need to carry with us always, and in relation to even the most banal daily activities. Whatever sufferings or difficulties we encounter at home, work, or elsewhere, and no matter how trivial or mild they may be, we can still offer them in union with Our Lord’s Precious Blood as a worthy sacrifice to our Heavenly Father.
The discussion that followed the exercises again ranged over a wide range of subjects, although the main focus of our conversation concerned the nature of the relationship of the Catholic Faith to science and reason. Science is in no way opposed to the Catholic Faith, but when ‘rationalism’ is made the object of a secularising (if not openly atheist) ideology, then the freedom of human reason is in danger of falling into the sin of pride and self-love, two of the hallmarks of all modernist discourse.
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